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10 tips on how to use TikTok to increase your business' online visibility

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TikTok has become the social network par excellence of the moment. Since its launch in 2016, it has grown from a niche Chinese app to a global phenomenon with over a billion users worldwide. Its success is due not only to its addictive nature but also to its short video format that has become incredibly popular with younger audiences.

However, it's not just a platform for lip-syncing and dancing teenagers. Brands have also started to notice the growing popularity of TikTok and how it can be used to increase their online visibility.

Here are ten tips on how to use TikTok for your brand and increase online visibility.

Understand your audience

Understanding your audience is the essential first step to any TikTok marketing strategy. While anyone can use the app, it's important to keep in mind that most users are young and tech minded.

Currently, 41% of TikTok users are between the ages of 16 and 24, meaning it's an especially attractive platform for brands looking to reach a younger audience.

Research popular hashtags to discover what your audience is searching for and viewing on TikTok and consider collaborating with Influencers that appeal to your target audience.

In other words, before you start creating content on TikTok, it's paramount that you understand your audience's behavior and preferences so you can create content that is relevant and appealing to them.

Keep your content short and sweet

One of TikTok's main features is its short video format, which allows users to create clips of only 60 seconds or less. On average, users lose interest after about 15 seconds. Therefore, it is important to keep your content short, interesting and to the point.

It is important to note that on TikTok, creativity is essential. Unlike other social media platforms, TikTok users expect content that is different, original and visually very appealing. To keep your audience interested, you should experiment with different angles, special effects and video formats.

Keep in mind that content that works on other social networks, such as Instagram or Facebook, may not necessarily work on TikTok. It's a unique platform, so you need to try different strategies to see what works for your audience.

Leverage popular songs and sounds

Leveraging popular songs or sounds can be a great strategy to improve your brand's visibility on TikTok. It's an effective way to make your videos more fun, engaging and help them get shared more frequently.

To leverage the use of popular songs and sounds, you should follow current trends and find innovative ways to engage your brand in popular challenges and challenges. Use these songs to add value to your brand and to create something new and unique, which can attract and retain the attention of your followers.

In addition, you can also create your own sounds or original music that represents your brand or specific campaign messages. This will help you differentiate yourself from other brands and create unique content that reflects your brand image and marketing objectives.

It is important to make sure that the songs and sounds you choose are appropriate for the brand and content you are creating. Make sure the sound and lyrics are respectful and not offensive to your audience. Always use content that is appropriate and safe.

Use hashtags

Hashtags are a crucial part of TikTok and are an important way for brands to increase their reach and visibility on the platform. As with other social media platforms, hashtags on TikTok help classify content into specific categories and topics.

To create an effective hashtag strategy on TikTok, you must first research and use hashtags popular in your industry and among your target audience. It is also important to use hashtags specific to your brand or campaign to promote your videos and increase the visibility of your content.

However, it is important not to overuse hashtags in your videos, as this can look spammy or reduce the quality of your content. It is recommended to use 3 to 5 relevant hashtags in each TikTok video to maintain a proper balance and avoid flooding the audience's content with an excess of hashtags.

All in all, hashtags on TikTok are an important tool to reach a wider audience and increase the visibility of your videos. As always, make sure the hashtags you use are relevant to your content and brand.

Collaborate with influencers

One of the most effective ways to increase your brand's visibility and reach on TikTok is through Influencer marketing. Collaborations with Influencers can help expose your brand to a relevant and engaged audience, as Influencers have a large following and a trusted relationship with them.

Before selecting an Influencer to collaborate with, you should look for those who have followers and who are of interest to your brand and who share the same values and messages you want to convey. In addition, you should also look for Influencers who regularly interact with your audience, as this will increase the likelihood that your audience will also interact with your content.

Collaboration with an Influencer can take many different forms on TikTok, such as challenges, behind-the-scenes videos and product promotion videos. It's important to make sure that the content created in collaboration with the Influencer aligns with your brand's goals and the creative content you want to produce.

Ultimately, collaborations with influencers on TikTok can help increase your brand's visibility and expand your reach on the platform. Influencers can help generate interest and increase audience trust in your brand, which can turn into increased brand recognition and ultimately conversions and sales.

Create challenges

Challenges are perhaps one of the most popular and well-known features of TikTok. The idea behind challenges is that a user creates a type of video with a specific background song and challenges other users to do the same, from a dance to a challenge. Challenges are often fun, creative and engaging, and can also be an opportunity for brands to engage with the TikTok community and connect with their audience in an authentic way.

To create an effective challenge, it's important to be creative and make sure the challenge is relevant to your brand and audience. Brands can create their own custom challenges on TikTok, as long as they follow the platform's community guidelines. In addition, brands can also participate in existing challenges by creating unique content that reflects their brand's values and personality.

When creating or participating in a challenge, don't forget to include a hashtag so that users can easily find your brand's content. It is also important to add clear instructions for participating in the challenge and encourage users to interact with the content and tag your brand.

Behind the scenes

TikTok is the perfect place to provide an inside look at your brand, whether it's showcasing your culture, product development process, or interacting with your brand's followers. Behind-the-scenes videos are popular on TikTok because they allow the audience to see how your company really works and how your brand works to achieve its goals.

To create effective behind-the-scenes video, it's important to be authentic and transparent with your audience. You can share everyday moments from your team's day-to-day life, introduce your team members, or show the creation of a product from the first step to the end. This helps to build trust in your brand and humanize it.

Another way to show the behind-the-scenes process of your brand is to share the work you do for the community. For example, if your company cares about the environment, you can show how your company is addressing issues that threaten the environment and how you are working to solve them. If you are a company that is committed to social justice, you can share the actions you are taking to support this cause.

In general, transparency and authenticity are key in behind-the-scenes videos. Make sure your followers see what your brand really looks like behind the scenes. It's also important to keep in mind that behind-the-scenes videos should be creative and interesting to keep your audience engaged.

Interact with your audience

Audience interaction is a crucial part of any marketing strategy on TikTok. Users of this platform love interacting with brands, especially if it's done in an authentic and meaningful way. Effective interaction can involve answering questions, sharing follower-generated content, asking questions, and responding to comments users leave on videos.

An effective way to interact with your audience is to encourage participation. You can do this by creating contests and challenges related to your product or service. Another effective approach is to share follower-generated content, such as reactions and videos they create in response to your videos. This not only increases participation, but also promotes customer loyalty and engagement.

Another effective way to interact with TikTok users is to share knowledge and tips relevant to your area of expertise. You can create educational videos and answer frequently asked questions to encourage interaction and participation. Be sure to maintain a friendly and helpful attitude in your interactions with TikTok users to build trust in your brand.

Promote your TikTok videos

One of the most effective ways to increase the visibility and reach of your TikTok videos is to promote your content on other social media platforms. Promotions can help you increase your brand visibility and attract more followers to your TikTok account.

A common way to promote your TikTok videos is by including links to your videos in posts on other social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn. Brands can share clips of your videos to engage the audience and encourage them to visit your TikTok account to see more content.

Another strategy that can be effective is paid advertising on other social media platforms. You can create short video ads that showcase your TikTok videos and encourage users to follow you on the platform.

In addition to the use of links and paid advertising, you can also promote your TikTok videos through collaborations with other content creators on TikTok and other social media platforms. If you have created a video that would be a good fit with another creator, you can collaborate and work together to promote each other's content.

Stay on top of trends

Staying on top of trends on TikTok is essential to staying active and getting feedback on this platform. TikTok is known for its viral trends, which can last from a few days to several weeks. Therefore, it's important to keep up with what's happening to capitalize on trends and keep followers interested in your brand's content.

To stay on top of trends, it's important to stay in tune with what TikTok Influencers are doing and talking about, read industry news and keep an eye out for popular hashtags on the platform. You can use TikTok trends to create your own content and challenges, and to interact with your audience more effectively.

In addition to staying on top of trends on TikTok, you should also keep an eye on trends on other social media platforms and in popular culture in general. This can help you keep your branded content fresh and relevant not only for TikTok, but for your other social media channels as well.

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